Uses of Interface

Packages that use Report

Uses of Report in com.commsen.stopwatch

Methods in com.commsen.stopwatch that return Report
 Report[] StopwatchStorage.getAllByGroupReports()
          Implementing methods should generate and return an array of reports.
static Report[] Stopwatch.getAllByGroupReports()
static Report[] Stopwatch.getAllByGroupReports(ReportComparator comparator)
 Report[] StopwatchStorage.getAllByLabelReports()
          Implementing methods should generate and return an array of reports.
static Report[] Stopwatch.getAllByLabelReports()
static Report[] Stopwatch.getAllByLabelReports(ReportComparator comparator)
static Report[] Stopwatch.getAllReports()
          Generates an array of reports which contains exactly 1 element for each combination of group and label If there is no enough data to produce reports, this method returns null
static Report[] Stopwatch.getAllReports(ReportComparator comparator)
          Generates an array of reports which contains exactly 1 element for each combination of group and label If there is no enough data to produce reports, this method returns null
 Report[] StopwatchStorage.getGroupReports(java.lang.String group)
          Implementing methods should generate and return an array of reports.
static Report[] Stopwatch.getGroupReports(java.lang.String group)
          Generates an array of reports which contains exactly 1 element for each group If there is no enough data to produce the report, this method returns null
static Report[] Stopwatch.getGroupReports(java.lang.String group, ReportComparator comparator)
          Generates an array of reports which contains exactly 1 element for each group If there is no enough data to produce the report, this method returns null
 Report[] StopwatchStorage.getLabelReports(java.lang.String label)
          Implementing methods should generate and return an array of reports.
static Report[] Stopwatch.getLabelReports(java.lang.String label)
          Generates an array of reports which contains exactly 1 element for each label If there is no enough data to produce the report, this method returns null
static Report[] Stopwatch.getLabelReports(java.lang.String label, ReportComparator comparator)
          Generates an array of reports which contains exactly 1 element for each label If there is no enough data to produce the report, this method returns null
 Report StopwatchStorage.getReport(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String label)
          Implementing methods should generate and return a single report for provided group and label If there is no enough data to produce the report, method should return null
 Report[] StopwatchStorage.getReports()
          Implementing methods should generate and return an array of reports.
static Report Stopwatch.getSingleReport(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String label)
          Generates a single report for provided group and label If there is no enough data to produce the report, this method returns null

Uses of Report in com.commsen.stopwatch.jmx

Methods in com.commsen.stopwatch.jmx that return Report
 Report[] StopwatchManagerMBean.getReports(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String label)
 Report[] StopwatchManager.getReports(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String label)

Uses of Report in com.commsen.stopwatch.reports

Classes in com.commsen.stopwatch.reports that implement Report
 class DefaultStopwatchReport
          This is the default implementation of Report interface.
 class LoadStopwatchReport
          Deprecated. new method Stopwatch.getLoad(int, int) introduced in version 0.3
 class MemoryStopwatchReport
          This report contains additional memory usage statistics.

Uses of Report in com.commsen.stopwatch.storages

Methods in com.commsen.stopwatch.storages that return Report
 Report[] AbstractDatabaseStorage.getAllByGroupReports()
          This method simply calls AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(PreparedStatement, Object[]) passing AbstractDatabaseStorage.allByGroupReportStatement as statement and no parameters (null value).
 Report[] AbstractDatabaseStorage.getAllByLabelReports()
          This method simply calls AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(PreparedStatement, Object[]) passing AbstractDatabaseStorage.allByLabelReportStatement as statement and no parameters (null value).
 Report[] AbstractDatabaseStorage.getGroupReports(java.lang.String group)
          This method simply calls AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(PreparedStatement, Object[]) passing AbstractDatabaseStorage.groupReportStatement as statement and group as parameter.
 Report[] AbstractDatabaseStorage.getLabelReports(java.lang.String label)
          This method simply calls AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(PreparedStatement, Object[]) passing AbstractDatabaseStorage.labelReportStatement as statement and label as parameter.
 Report AbstractDatabaseStorage.getReport(java.lang.String group, java.lang.String label)
          This method simply calls AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(PreparedStatement, Object[]) passing AbstractDatabaseStorage.singleReportStatement as statement and group and label as parameters.
 Report[] AbstractDatabaseStorage.getReports()
          This method simply calls AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(PreparedStatement, Object[]) passing AbstractDatabaseStorage.allReportStatement as statement and no parameters (null value).
protected  Report[] MemoryHSQLInMemoryStorage.prepareReports(java.sql.PreparedStatement preparedStatement, java.lang.Object[] params)
protected  Report[] AbstractDatabaseStorage.prepareReports(java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, java.lang.Object[] params)
          This method simply executes given statement with given params.
protected  Report[] MemoryHSQLStorage.prepareReports(java.sql.PreparedStatement preparedStatement, java.lang.Object[] params)

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