Quick start

Let's examine the following code:

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// some code to be measured
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.print(stop - start);

This is the usual way to measure how long it takes to execute a piece of code and it works just fine. But what if the code is executed may times. One would probably like to know how many times it was executed, what was the average time as well as minimum and maximum time taken to execute this code.

Is such case one can write some code to calculates all that (it is not that hard, after all) or simply use Stopwatch:

for (int count = 0; count < 21; count++) { 
	long id = Stopwatch.start("my group", "my label");
	// some code to be measured

Report report = Stopwatch.getSingleReport("my group", "my label");

This will print sometning similar to :

Group="my group"  Label="my label"  Count=21  Min=12ms  Avg=13ms  Max=32ms  Total=274ms

Another issue Stopwatch can resolve is ignoring "failed" executions. Let's say the performance of some code that can throw an exception is to be measured. If we are going to measure every single run and say half of them ends up with an exception thrown, the result can be very optimistic but most likely incorrect. So we only want to measure the "successful" executions and ignore the rest

for (int count = 0; count < 21; count++) { 
	long id = Stopwatch.start("my group", "my label");
	try {
		if (count % 5 == 0) throw new Exception();
		// some code to be measured
	} catch (Exception e) {
	} finally {
Report report = Stopwatch.getSingleReport("my group", "my label");

This will print sometning similar to :

Group="my group"  Label="my label"  Count=16  Min=11ms  Avg=12ms  Max=14ms  Total=194ms

Note that Count=16 . Four measurments (count in 5,10,15,20) were skipped.